How do I Send Notifications to the Mobile App Users?

Using the Notification feature in the eCMS provides a simple and clear way to quickly communicate with your residents or staff about urgent matters within the community.


Community admins can create and send important messages (push notifications) using the eCMS admin dashboard. Everyone who is connected to the community through the mobile app can receive these notifications directly on their mobile device, even if the app is closed.

Creating a Notification 

  • To manually create a custom push notification, go to Notifications on the admin dashboard. 
  • Specify the audience for your notification by clicking the specific Levels of Living/Program Levels in the “Available Community Codes” section.
  • Type your Title and Message into their respective fields
  • Click “Send” and “Confirm”
  • At the bottom of the screen, you can see a history of previously sent notifications. 
Note: If a user has turned OFF notifications for the mobile app on their phone, that person would not receive any push notifications.